Happy Diwali,

Please note that the server maintenance has been completed, Please Change Your DNS as soon as possible.

You will need to update the DNS to point to the nameservers listed below.

Nameserver 1: ns1.mdns.in
Nameserver 2: ns2.mdns.in

If your domain is assigned to third party nameservers (e.g. Cloudflare):

If your domain is assigned to third-party nameservers, you will need to replace the A record with the following IP address manually. 



Do not hesitate to contact support if you have any additional questions or concerns, you may do so by opening a support ticket from within your account.

We thank you for your kind support and hope you enjoy the improved performance.

Kind Regards,

Sahil Jani


CTO, ManticLabs

Thursday, November 4, 2021

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